“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Heaven invades Brennen.

     My mind is on overload right now. I am being stretched and pulled in the best way possible. God has wrecked my life for the ordinary. These past 2 weeks have been crazy good for me. Not the easiest by any means, but... so good. Why? Because I am on information/ revelation download from the Lord. He is teaching me and totally rearranging my mindset to be His mindset. It's a total brainwashing experience. I'm pretty sure that makes some of you step back and wonder if I'm experiencing Jesus or something psycho.
     No worries...... it's all Jesus. It is simply the renewing of the mind process. My mind just needs a lot of renewing. I have some bad "mind" habits that have to be broken. And it has totally wrecked my life. Forgive me if you are tripping out while you sit reading my blog- that is normally reader friendly and polite. But God is wrecking my life and I LOVE it! And I'm praying that God wrecks yours in the best way possible!

Here are some things that are changing my life:
-I was not made to fit God into a box. God is so much bigger than what I can imagine.

-I must allow Him to freely work through my life. Exactly where I am at. I need to get to the place where I submit to His will even in the middle of Target. If God prompts.. I must obey.

-Sometimes, things don't make sense. Choose Jesus. He makes sense.

-I must love people the way God loves me. God does not control me. I must stop controlling people.

-My life must be lived from an inward out change. Not outward in... that will never last.

-It is okay to change. It is okay to be wrong. God is not afraid of my mistakes at all. He can pick me back up when I fail.

-I must pursue the life of Jesus. Heaven is my example.

-My waiting is also an anointing process. God is preparing the anointed husband/job/ opportunities/ etc. for me. I am required to continue to pursue the things He's calling me to.

     And there is so much more that I am learning that is changing my carnal mindset. My heart's desire is to be more like Christ. But the thing I am learning- is that doesn't take me loosing all of the "Brennen" in me. He wants to use me and my passions to further His kingdom. He wants me to love people the best that I can while I pursue a lifestyle of holiness and of Jesus. I want more of Him in me. I want to be brainwashed by my Savior. And if that means I'm wrecked for life then I'll be wrecked for life. But Heaven is invading my life and I LOVE IT. :)


Adam Kees said...


Anonymous said...

You are God's vessel...each day you just go to him and say "fill me up Lord" and he will. Enjoy your post.