“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Monday, January 30, 2012

Kitchen Tools.

     Yesterday was a landmark in the life of Brennen Gaddis. I moved out of my parent's house. Took off from the nest. Praying and crossing my fingers that I don't boomerang. Not because I don't like living with my parents, but because it's time for me to grow up and be the woman God has called me to be. :)
     I'm so blessed to get to live with my best friend, Ashley Abney, in the cutest house nestled in the woods. We've been moving stuff in the house for the last few weeks. Saturday, we were unpacking the kitchen. Ashley, is possibly the coolest friend ever. One of those reasons, is she enjoys to be fully equipped & ready in every area of life. For example, this morning, (after my first night sleeping at the new house) I realized I left my toothbrush at parent's house. Ashley, came to the rescue with a 10pack that she keeps for emergencies. So, you can imagine- unpacking the kitchen. Tons and tons of cooking utensils.
     This girl is ready to cook any and every type of food. I kept pulling out all of these utensils and kitchen tools saying, "What is this for?" Most of the time, she remembered...  and the excitement grew for me to cook the greatest meals ever in that kitchen.

     Then it hit me, we have tools inside of us that we never use. Just like Ashley's kitchen, when unpacking it she began to remember the tools and why she bought them... and our anticipation grew to cook/ bake something great. God has placed tools and giftings deep inside of us that we may have forgotten about. The passions and desires you've placed on the back-burner because you didn't think you were good enough or that it was the right time; those are "tools" that God has given you to use and effect the Kingdom of God. Don't hide your passions. Live them out. The world needs you and all that you have within you.
      I'm a firm believer that the things God calls you to he equips and fulfills you to accomplish. Be obedient to the things he is calling you to. It may seem like it would take too much time or be too difficult but press forward. God is preparing you for such a time as this. The time is now. Act upon those giftings. Bring out the tools and cook the most delicious meal ever. :)

     It's said best in Philippians 2:13, "For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him." (NLT) version.


hi.TRIBE said...

Love it! Good thoughts, Brennan! So excited for you and Ashley in this new season of your lives! Love you both!

Unknown said...

Firstly: CONGRATS! You're a big girl now. That is a huge decision and very very exciting. Secondly, I also love this insight. it's actually a timely word of encouragement for me. Thank you for posting!