“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Monday, November 22, 2010

Unseen Things

     Have you ever been in a position where you do the things that no one sees? And then no one even notices? You do all the behind the scenes work that builds the foundation for someone else to come in and do something that didn't take much preparation and they get all the fame for it. It's no fun. I was having a pity party the other day and a lightbulb went off in my head.
     Think of the things that God does that He doesn't get thanked for. Think of the prayers He answers without a thank you. What about the things He does to protect us. That we aren't even aware of. I believe He does it. I believe that He will save me from some things that should have came into my path but He protects me from it. Or you've heard the stories where a "bad guy" was going to break in a car, or rape a girl in a dark alley when she was walking alone but they didn't because they said someone was there. Perhaps, the Lord sent an angel to protect us from that.
     Sometimes we think that the Lord isn't doing anything for us, or that He isn't answering our prayers. But He is. And sometimes he's protecting you from having to say a prayer. Mind blowing thought, right? We all have something to be thankful for. God is moving inside of you, He is at work in Your life, He sees the things you do in the secret place. He loves you.


Unknown said...

Thank you Brennen you amaze me with your thoughts!!! May God continue to give you insight!!

Anonymous said...

that was actually mom lol