“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Saturday, December 18, 2010


     I love it when God refreshes me. Especially when he revives a passion that I have forgotten about. He chose this week to do it once again. I have this vision/dream of several generations of people coming together to pour into each others lives. Like a line of mentors and mentorees.
     Here's why I love this idea. Everyone wants someone to believe in them. If you say that you don't, I bet you're lying. We all desire and crave people to tell us we are on the right track, encourage us to push forward, and someone to believe our wildest dreams/goals with us.
     With that being said- I also believe that Godly wisdom is so key in this process. I have a young girl that I mentor. (I have not been doing a good job at all lately. Lili- coffee date asap) But- what I have found is that when Lili and I go to have coffee- I end up learning much more than I could ever teach her. She is 15 (maybe 14) years old, beautiful inside and out, full of life, and has a knock out voice. And as she tells me her struggles, her goals, her strengths- I learn from her. I absolutely love her pureness of heart. She is not jaded. She's true to herself and to others. And she lives her life like that.
     But- there are some things that come up (or that will come up) that I don't know the answer to- and that's where my vision gets it heartbeat. If you have a set of women or men at these ages: 15, 25,  35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, etc. Think of everything that you could learn just talking about one subject. It's amazing!
     I believe that some time in my life I will see this plan in action. And I hope to be right in the middle of it- at any of those ages! We can all learn from each other. At the age of 20- I need some wisdom on how to handle my finances from someone in their 80's.... and I can learn about the newest technological way to do them with someone in their 20's. I want to learn from people that are older and younger than me. I want to teach people that are older and people that are younger than me things so they don't have to go through them.

     Ultimately, I just want someone to believe in me. Someone to think I can do it. Someone to kick my butt when I'm slacking. And someone to drink coffee with  every now and then. ;)

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