“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Enjoy the Walk

     You are living someone else's dream. I'm almost positive of it. So don't take where you are for granted. I am the absolute worst at this. I am a dreamer. I am constantly thinking about the next thing. But- someone is wanting to be where I'm at, and I bet where you are. They want to work at the coolest coffeeshop in town and be a badbooty barista. And when I start school- there is someone that is going to want to be pursuing their passion at the Art Institute.
     If you are a mom- and you feel disgusting and think all you ever do is wipe snotty noses and poopy bootys- I want to be you! :) And I'm sure someone else does to. Or if you are a wife- and you are walking all over your husband..... step back. Because someone else is wanting to be you. They want a husband to love and cherish. Even if you are eating out of a garbage can behind a restraunt. I bet someone just wants a trashcan with food in it. Or someone wants a trashcan. It's so simple.... but it's so true.
     So- do whatever you are doing right now- with your whole heart. Do it with excellence.

   God has totally been dealing with me about it. He wants me to dream. He wants me to go after my passion. He wants me to be fulfilled... but he also wants me to be thankful and to enjoy where I'm at.

God spoke this to me tonight and I want to share it with you:
"Daughter- [son]. I see you. I see your hard work. It doesn't go unnoticed. I love you. I want you to have an upgrade, I want you to have that promotion. But don't rush it. In due time. I promise- I'm never late... I'm on time. Pursue your passions.... walk into the things I'm giving you, but please, beloved, enjoy the walk."

Enjoy today. It's so easy to get caught up in the little things. Trust me, that is what brought me to the point of writing this. I'm a mess... I get so caught up in the things that mean nothing... and all God wants me to do is enjoy today. To look at today's blessings... and move forward.

My Top 5 Ways of "Enjoying the Walk":
1. Stay thankful. Thank God throughout the day for the little things. Ex: a front row parking spot, a cold Coca Cola, or that you are alive.
2. Find beauty. In everything- there is something beautiful. If there isn't- you probably shouldn't be in that place anyways. But- in most every place/ situation there is something that is beautiful. Find it and enjoy it.
3. Smile. It's contagious.
4. Look forward to tomorrow. Set goals- and achieve them. Move forward.
5. Help someone else enjoy their walk, or to step into their calling. It's not all about "me" all the time. Do something little or something big for someone. They will appreciate it.


Adrianne said...

I love this Brennan! Thanks for helping me remember to step back and be thankful!

Lyndsay said...

brennen. thank you.

this is beautiful and simple and a wonderful reminder.

and just what i need at this very moment. it is funny how i sat down to write a blog about something almost totally opposite of this. and you have now changed my way of thinking about it all.

big love. beautiful.