“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Praise the Lord.

I am so behind on updating this blog, I apologize! I am now a week away from my adventure/journey to Panama! It is crazy exciting and totally scary at the same time. I know that I am going to really learn what it means to depend on God and to love him with my whole heart. He has had His hand on this the entire time and I am extremely blessed for that. Over $2,500+  has came in from friends, family and the church. I am so thankful that God provided the money for everyone that has helped to bless me financially. I am extremely overwhelmed with the way he provides once again. Any money that comes in now will go to help me with my neccessities (groceries, laundry, taxi, etc...) and plane ticket money for outreach (if needed) or to other "YWAMers"!

One thing that I would love from friends and family is index cards with bible verses on them. Ones that have helped you all through rough, happy, sad, difficult, exciting, life changing times. Also any books, bible studies, things like that would be nice as well. I really am excited to get there and really do it! 

Prayer Requests: 
God's peace to overwhelm me, to meet good friends that will encourage me on my "team", wisdom for my group, patience for me, and that I don't miss any flights when flying! (I stop at 2 large airports- I am going to try and get a "buddy" :) 18 isn't too old is it for one of those?)

Thank you all very very much for everything! 

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