I decided to do something really stupid about 2 weeks ago. One of my lovely friends, Ashley Abney, and I made a pact that we wouldn't drink soda except for on bank holidays. This is seriously, one of the stupidest things I have done.
Let me share with you my obsession. Coca Cola Classic. Before this pact, I was drinking at least two 32 ounce cups of Coca Cola, if not more (from Hucks, the greatest gas station in the world, ask Adam Kees). I'm telling you, I love me some Coca Cola. However, Coca Cola doesn't love me. I fluctuate with my weight according to how much Coca Cola I am drinking. Jeans were getting too tight and my face looked like a balloon, so no more Coke for a while.
So, I urge you, to rid yourself of whatever is bringing you down. If it's a bad habit that is unhealthy, if it's the way you speak to your husband, if it's a credit card that you can't quit swiping.... get rid of it. Cut it off. Live a life of self control and holiness. And, if you're going off of cokes, you get to look forward to bank holidays. ;)
Yesterday, I was having some withdrawals. Major withdrawals. Luckily, Ashley would kick my booty if I drank one, so I resisted. But, I will say, some days I can go the whole day without thinking about a Coke. This runs parallel to eating out at restaurants as well. The more you eat out the more you want to eat out. And in return, the more you eat home cooked meals, the more you want home cooked meals. Or maybe, this just applies to me and my fellow extremists.
This correlates with our walk with the Lord. Whenever we sin, we want to sin more. That sounds so generic, but bear with me for a minute. Whenever you lie, it becomes easier to lie the next time. Whenever I drink one coca cola, I crave more coca cola. Whenever the drug addict smokes one joint, they crave the second joint. (Do you smoke a joint? I'm not positive, forgive me if my street lingo is off.) It's this big chain of sin. The more you do it, the more you want to do it.
Many people have asked me, why don't you just limit yourself with cokes. I can't. It's all or nothing for me. If I go cold turkey off of them, it's so much easier than "weening" myself off of them. This morning I was reading in 1 Peter 1:13-16, check out what it says;
Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be give you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy."We have to get serious with the things we struggle with. We have to cut it off. Prepare ourselves in advance for how we are going to react when your mom asks you to unload the dishwasher, or when your wife asks you to mow the lawn, or when your daughter asks you to go to a "bad" friends house. If you are prepared, you are ready to be self controlled, instead of spouting off something mean and hateful, or responding in a way that is not respectful.
So, I urge you, to rid yourself of whatever is bringing you down. If it's a bad habit that is unhealthy, if it's the way you speak to your husband, if it's a credit card that you can't quit swiping.... get rid of it. Cut it off. Live a life of self control and holiness. And, if you're going off of cokes, you get to look forward to bank holidays. ;)
I too, years ago, cleansed myself of the precious drug that is Coca Cola. This is the first time I've looked at your blog and I must say, you are not only a fantastic writer BUT you really know how to draw godly wisdom from everyday examples. I'm looking forward to following you :)
probablly my favorite blog ever. I love cokes almost second to Jesus....now thats bad!!!! I have also given them up but once in a while will find myself getting one and it makes me want 10 more!!!Iv never had hucks..iv avoided that temptation all together. i laughed at this...I so can relate. Great scripture and great wisdom. I love this and it is correction and wisdom from the Lord to me. Not just about cokes..but about the things that I allow to bring me down. On side note: a bank holiday is this Monday oct 11th!!!!!!!!
hmmmmi posted the comment above (this is tara s)..and it put my name as Solution: intimacy with Jesus...is this from the Lord? Id say so!!!!!
Noelle, Thank you so much! I appreciate your encouragement.
Tara! I am so excited about Monday! I'm drinking cokes all day :) Hehe. I know, I should probably read my blog again. ;) And I love the name Solution: Intimacy with Jesus.... maybe you should start blogging too ;)
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