I had a friend, Stephanie Wright, you can check her out
here, and she asked me to do a post for her blog. And she would feature me. Fabulous! I love it. How fun. I'm a guest blogger. Hehe! However, I still wanted to share it with you all! So my lovely blogging friends, enjoy my All Who Are Thirsty post! :)
All Who Are Thirsty
What is funny about my blog title is that my personal blog’s name is the opposite. All Who Are Weary. But I think that in all reality they go hand and hand. Weary and Thirsty. To sum up those words; you just want more. The other night I was praying over a friend and the Lord brought that word to my mind. More. Defined by Webster more means greater, additional, further, adding to. When we are talking about our relationship with the Lord- more is never a bad word. In fact, it’s biblical. The Lord created us for more. To be constantly moving forward in our walk with the Lord. To be adding to our relationship.
It’s how we are designed. We are designed for a constant state of more. To be expecting what is to come. Yes, we are to be thankful for what the Lord is doing, but we are also to be expectant. Never putting God on a “this is all you can do” level. Jesus tells us himself in red letters:
"I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear."
John 16:12
He always has more to tell us. What the Lord is revealing to us now is preparing us for what He will reveal to us next. Glory, Hallelujah, and Amen! I am so thankful that the Lord wants to continue to teach, show, reveal and release blessings and direction into my life. Come on! That gets me so excited. The Lord not only wants to say more to us he also wants to take us from glory to glory.
“And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being changed into his likeness from one degree of glory to another.”
2 Corinthians 3:18
This scripture came to me today in my daily reading. I was reading “Daily Secrets of the Christian Life” by Hannah Whitall Smith and she said it like this, “Our work is to ‘behold the glory of the Lord,’ and as we behold, the Lord effects the marvelous transformation, and we are changed into his likeness.” She continues to say that we must behold the glory, and that the glory is His character. I see the same thing with Psalm 37:4, “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” When we begin to delight ourself in Him, our desires actually become His desires. We begin to desire the very thing that He desires for us. (Only good things!) That’s one of the prayers I constantly am praying- Lord, make Your desires my desires! Such a simple prayer, but it can change your look on life. You begin to see things in your Holy Spirit eyes. Your heart and your desires change.
After I returned from Panama,
after 6 months
of not seeing each other! |
Let me tell you a little about myself. I graduated high school in 2009 and with graduation comes a multitude of decisions. Life hits you like a ton of bricks once you graduate. In our society, you are expected to know what you are going to do with your life. I have always been ready to go against the flow and be different, but I never would have guessed where the Lord would take me. I graduated in June and by mid July I was in Panama, Central America for 5 and a half months doing a Discipleship Training School with Youth With A Mission. (I highly recommend to anyone wanting more in their walk with Christ.) I have a best friend, who happens to be my identical twin sister, and I left her for the first time for more than 2 weeks. My freshman year of high school I never would have guessed I’d be in villages and the streets of la Ciudad de Panama sharing the love of Jesus. What I am trying to say is that almost a year later I still am in that same boat. I don’t know what I want to be [technically/career wise] in my life. But what I do know, is that I am under the authority of Christ and I will do whatever it is He tells me. My desires have changed from wanting to have a 6 figure income to simply wanting to go where He instructs and serving where it is needed.
Am I saying that college is bad? No, not at all. My twin is exactly where God has placed her in a public university studying math. (How that is biblically sound, I have no idea. I call her crazy. ;) She assures me she is sane.)
The bottom line is- each of us have to make a decision that we want more of Jesus. We want more gifts, we want more discernment, we want more worship, we want more intimacy with Him. And all it is is a decision. After we decide- it’s a hunger and thirst for Him that we pursue. We simply become thirsty. And he is our ultimate thirst quencher. Gatorade ain’t gonna do ya any good this time around. Dive in, go deep, hunger, thirst, and let the Ultimate Provider supply your every need.