Story 2. My sweet cousin Jonathan bought my sister and I Toms. Super exciting- except Chelsea's came in and mine did not. Sad story huh?
So a week after my birthday I still am waiting on both of my presents. Which, in all reality, is not that big of a deal. But I was just curious as to why both of my presents were on order. So, I asked God. And he let a light bulb go off in my head. My presents in the natural are lining up with the presents the Lord has for me in the spiritual.
The Lord told me that just like I have 2 presents that are mine but just aren't here yet is exactly the same thing with my birthday present from the Lord. The Lord has it on order. It's just timing for it to arrive. He's made the order, paid for it, told it where to go, and it's just a matter of waiting. And not only does He have my birthday present but also just other gifts for me. They are to come. They've been prophesied, dreamt of, had visions of, hours of prayer over..... and they are coming. 

Another thing that hit me- was I thought that my presents should come on my birthday. But just because I thought they should- didn't mean that they would. Same thing with our prayers. Just because we pray for something RIGHT NOW and then it doesn't come. It doesn't mean that the Lord won't give it to us. He will give it to us if it's in His timing.
And- those gifts are going to be so much sweeter now that I have waited for them! God is good no matter what. And his gifts are always good gifts! What gifts are you waiting for!?
Yes ma'am. Dig it.
This is so true. Also, knowing what to do while waiting that makes a huge difference! Those who are eternal can wait forever even, being in Him means everything comes in divine timing. ...belated Birthday Bliss and Blessings!!
- brent
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